Rogers Foot & Ankle Institute

New Patients

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Care Tips

Post-Operative Instructions

  • You have been given a prescription for pain medication. Take as instructed.
  • Keep your leg elevated, above the level of your heart, over the next few days.
  • You have been given a surgical shoe / walking cast / posterior mold. Wear this at all times when walking post-operatively. If you have been given crutches or a walker, use them as instructed.
  • Keep your dressing clean, dry and do not remove it. If your dressing gets wet or falls off, call your doctor.
  • If you experience excessive bleeding, drainage or redness, fever of 100 degrees of greater, pain, numbness and tingling not relieved with pain medication, call your doctor!
  • Slight bleeding on the bandage may occur. This is expected and okay!
  • Dispose of leftover medication

Post Operative Nail Procedure Instructions

  • You may experience some slight bleeding through your dressing. This is normal. You can elevate the affected foot and apply mild compression.
  • The local anesthesia that was used will last approximately four to six hours.
  • After this time you may experience mild discomfort. You may take an over-the-counter pain medication (Tylenol, Advil) or you may have received a prescription.
  • It will be necessary for you to soak the affected foot in warm water and one capful of betadine solution or epsom salts. Do this for 20 minutes, once in the morning and once in the evening. You can begin this on the morning following the procedure.
  • After soaking, you will apply a topical antibiotic cream to the affected nail border. You may use an over-the-counter cream (e.g., bacitracin, neosporin) or a prescribed treatment (e.g., silvadene, corticosporin otic drops).
  • Cover the area with a band-aid.
  • You will return for a check-up in one to two weeks.

If you notice any of the following, contact your physician: increase in pain, swelling, redness, or cloudy drainage.

Caring for Your Cast

  • Unless specifically instructed, you should not place any weight on the leg which has the cast.
  • Use your crutches or walker as instructed by the doctor or physical therapist.
  • It is necessary to keep the cast clean and dry.
  • Your toes should be pink and you should be able to move them freely.
  • If you experience any of the following, please call your doctor: numbness of the toes, feel that the cast is cutting your skin, or have pain which is not relieved by your pain medication.

Orthotic Break-In Recommendations

  • Your orthotic device has been designed and built to help your specific foot condition. By using the impressions we made of your feet and our careful study of your foot condition, we've created a device custom-made for your feet.
  • However, your device is not a "cure all". Depending on your working conditions, shoe choices, number of hours on your feet and the specific foot condition, you probably will have some symptoms.
  • It has been our experience, however, that as long as you wear your orthotics in shoes that allow them to work, your symptoms should decrease and you should be able to have longer periods of time without pain or discomfort.
  • You will eventually arrive at a stable condition needing only occasional treatment and examination of your feet.
  • Many patients have no difficulty wearing their orthotic devices. They feel comfortable from the first day. However, some patients feel tired or have a discomfort in their feet and legs. This is because their muscles must get used to the new, proper alignment of your feet and legs. If you experience this problem, remove your orthotic from your shoe. After one hour, put your orthotic back into your shoe. If your orthotic becomes uncomfortable, remove it again.
  • Each time, you should be able to wear your orthotic a little longer. Follow this routine until you can wear it comfortably for the entire day. NEVER FORCE YOURSELF TO WEAR YOUR ORTHOTIC DEVICE. We may need to make minor adjustments to your device before it becomes completely comfortable.
  • Larger footgear (depending upon shoe style) may be necessary to accommodate your foot and orthotic. If your orthotic device "squeaks" in your shoe, use foot powder to dust under the surfaces where the orthotic touches your shoes.
  • Your foot may slip somewhat in the heel of the shoe until your orthotic becomes seated. Slipping will stop when it becomes seated.

Helping You Find Your Sure Footing In Life.

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