Rogers Foot & Ankle Institute

Does Running Aggravate Bunion Pain In Eagle Mountain, UT

Apr 10, 2023
Does Running Aggravate Bunion Pain In Eagle Mountain, UT
If you live in Eagle Mountain, UT, and you’re a runner, chances are you’ve heard about the risks of bunions due to extensive running. Whether you’re already dealing with a bunion or are just looking to prevent them, you may wonder if running is.....

If you live in Eagle Mountain, UT, and you’re a runner, chances are you’ve heard about the risks of bunions due to extensive running. Whether you’re already dealing with a bunion or are just looking to prevent them, you may wonder if running is a risk factor you need to worry about. To provide some much-needed insight on this topic, here’s everything you need to know about running and bunions in Eagle Mountain.

What Is A Bunion?

A bunion is a bony bump that typically develops along the inside edge of the big toe, at the joint where that bone connects with the foot. It is caused by foot bone misalignment, usually from improperly fitting shoes or an injury, but sometimes there is no known cause. Bunions can be painful and can cause redness, swelling, soreness, and difficulty walking.

It’s important for those with existing bunions who wish to remain active to take precautions such as wearing properly fitting shoes with adequate cushioning and supportive arch supports. Doing so may help reduce bunion pain during running and other activities. Whether running impacts your bunion condition can depend significantly on one’s anatomy, choice of footwear, and intensity of exercise.

Does Running Aggravate Bunion Pain?

Studies show that running might make bunion pain worse because each stride puts constant pressure on the joint of the big toe. These studies also state that this repeated pressure can lead to deformation in the foot, which will increase pain over time.

The American Academy of Foot and Ankle Surgeons reported that exercising compresses the big toe joint, causing soft tissue discomfort and swelling.

However, some believe that running can help reduce pain and inflammation associated with bunions due to the increased circulation caused by physical exercise, others argue that repeated and intense movement of the feet during running can further aggravate symptoms and worsen the condition.

Proponents of running as a way to reduce bunion pain point out that a regular running routine increases blood flow, releases endorphins that can help manage pain levels, strengthens muscles in the foot and lower leg, helps balance posture, and improves overall cardiovascular health. All of these benefits could potentially decrease inflammation and provide long-term bunion relief.

Therefore, for those with bunion conditions, running should be approached cautiously. Although there is evidence to suggest that running may not affect bunions at all, there are still risks associated with continuing this activity, including the risk of further deformity and pain should it become too much for your joints. Therefore, before beginning your runs and risking aggravating your condition, it is important to understand the specifics of what a bunion condition is and how it affects our feet.

Footwear And Technique Considerations

It is important to consider the type of footwear used when running if bunion pain is an issue. While some may argue that a hard, flat-soled shoe will help with the idea of forcing the foot into a supported position, other research has argued against this approach. A study conducted by Hall et al. (2018) found that using cushioned shoes that are more flexible in design could help reduce pronation and stress on the feet during running. Similarly, wearing shoes with plenty of toe room can help keep bunions from becoming too aggravating while running.

Technique plays a big role as well. Landen et al. (2009) hypothesized that landing on the midfoot or forefoot rather than the heel could reduce the likelihood of developing bunion pain due to the reduced torque created in the foot as compared to landing on the heel. This can be especially true for those who use lighter shoes with minimal cushioning, where the foot needs to absorb greater force during each stride. Additionally, cutting down on miles and increasing the frequency of rest can help alleviate strain on the feet.

As you can see, selecting appropriate footwear and following suitable techniques can make all the difference when trying to run without aggravating bunion pain in Eagle Mountain, UT. Though it’s essential to find what works best for you, investing in adequate equipment and good foot form is a good start for avoiding unnecessary aches and pains. To learn more about how to avoid bunion pain from running altogether, read on for further information.

How To Avoid Bunion Pain While Running?

If you want to avoid bunion pain from running, it’s important to find and fix problems like wearing the wrong shoes or running in the wrong way. Sports shoes for running should have a wide toe box with enough room for the toes to move freely, and also provide adequate cushioning and arch support. The sole of the shoe should be flat, to avoid stressing the arch of the foot as well as posture. Furthermore, rolling inward while running, or overpronation, can be reduced by using a pair of shoes specifically designed for this purpose.

Running technique is also important when it comes to avoiding bunion pain. It is necessary to maintain a midfoot strike or a forefoot strike during the run to avoid any extra strain on the toes and metatarsals. A balanced stride length along with an appropriate arm swing and shoulder positioning is key to an efficient running form that will help reduce the incidence of bunions and related pain.

Finally, incorporating strength training into your weekly schedule may help strengthen the muscles surrounding the big toe joint, which could prevent pain from further developing over time.

With all these considerations in mind, it is important to receive proper treatment for any existing bunion symptoms. So, runners with bunions should immediately seek non-surgical treatments like sports massage or physical therapy.

Sports Massage And Other Treatments

Running can cause bunions or make them worse. Sports massage and other treatments can help with this problem. Sports massage is a type of massage that involves applying pressure to help relax soft tissue and increase circulation in the targeted area. This type of massage can also help ease the pain and discomfort that come with a bunion getting worse or getting started. People who like sports massage as a way to treat bunions say that regular sessions can help bring relief, while those who don’t like it say that there isn’t enough proof to show that it works.

Runners who have bunion pain before, during, or after running can also use orthotic devices (like shoe inserts), ice the affected area, do stretching exercises, and avoid certain activities and movements that make the pain worse. By keeping your foot in the right place in your running shoe, orthotic devices can support your feet and ease pressure on your bunion. After a run, icing the area will help reduce the swelling and inflammation caused by the extra activity. Stretching the calf, ankle, and toe muscles can improve flexibility and range of motion, helping you run properly. Lastly, avoiding things that make the pain worse, like wearing shoes that are too tight or doing too much too soon after starting an endurance program, can stop more damage.

There is still a lot of debate about whether sports massage and other treatments can help reduce bunion pain caused by running, but the evidence that they can be growing. Some people may find relief with these methods, but people with severe or long-term symptoms should talk to their doctor before trying any treatment to make sure they are safe.

How Can Runners Lessen Their Risk Of Bunion Pain?

Runners can significantly lessen their risk of bunion pain by following these simple steps:

  1. Make sure you have the proper shoes for running, including the right fit and cushioning. Shoes that are too tight or lack adequate cushioning can cause painful pressure on your toes and bunions.
  2. Change up your shoes regularly to make sure wear and tear don’t settle in on one particular pair. This helps to prevent any imbalance in wear patterns that can lead to bunion pain or aggravation.
  3. Mix up your running routine with cross-training activities like swimming and cycling to reduce repetitive stress on the feet and bunions.
  4. Strengthen your feet with regular foot exercises aimed at helping them become more flexible and strong, so they’re better able to absorb some of the jarring impacts that come with running.
  5. Stretch your toes before and after you run to discourage bunions from forming or worsening.

By taking good care of their feet, runners can safely hit the pavement while avoiding any serious bunion pain.

Bunion Pain Treatment In Eagle Mountain, UT

The most commonly used treatments are custom-made orthotics, steroid injections, shoe modifications, and prescription medications.

Custom-made orthotics can provide relief for many people by providing extra cushioning, absorbing shock, and supporting the foot in a way that reduces pain. Steroid injections are an anti-inflammatory treatment that works quickly to reduce swelling and inflammation associated with bunions. When combined with stretching and strengthening exercises, this is often enough to reduce discomfort caused by bunions.

Shoe modifications can also help reduce bunion pain. Shoes that are too tight or restrict movement of the toes can make the discomfort worse, so using wider or more comfortable shoes can relieve symptoms. Additionally, wearing toe splints while sleeping or running can help to temporarily straighten the toe position, which allows for greater comfort throughout the day.

Finally, prescription medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) or topical creams may be recommended to help manage bunion pain. NSAIDs can reduce pain caused by inflammation around the bunion, and topical creams such as capsaicin can be applied directly to the skin to reduce tenderness.

No matter what type of treatment you choose for your bunion pain in Eagle Mountain, UT, it’s important to speak with your doctor about the potential side effects of any medication or procedure before beginning treatment.

Contact The Experienced Foot And Ankle Specialists In Eagle Mountain, UT

When it comes to foot, our doctors at Rogers Foot & Ankle Institute have seen it all, and we are confident that we can help you discover the therapy you require. We provide treatments such as taping, cushioning, counseling, and surgery to help you get back on your feet and live a pain-free life as quickly as possible. Contact us at 801-756-4200 today to schedule a consultation.