Rogers Foot & Ankle Institute

Hammertoe Treatment: How To Correct This Common Foot Problem

May 25, 2023
Hammertoe Treatment: How To Correct This Common Foot Problem
Are your toes cramping up in pain? Is the skin on your little toe thickening and curling downward? Well, if you answer yes, you may have a hammertoe. Hammertoe is one of the most common foot problems and usually occurs when one toe is bent downward.....

Are your toes cramping up in pain? Is the skin on your little toe thickening and curling downward? Well, if you answer yes, you may have a hammertoe. Hammertoe is one of the most common foot problems and usually occurs when one toe is bent downward at the middle joint, resembling a hammer. Wear and tear on the tendons that regulate toe movement, cramming the toes into the front of the shoes, or wearing the wrong kind of shoes are the usual causes. While uncomfortable, hammertoe is treatable! In this blog post, we will discuss hammertoe treatment, including how to correct this pesky foot problem.

Overview Of Hammertoe

A hammertoe is a deformity of the toes that causes them to bend upward and form a hammer-like shape. Several things, such as poor foot hygiene or weakness in the tendons that support the toe, can contribute to this condition. It can be quite painful and irritable if not treated properly. While it is often present from birth, it can develop later on due to a variety of lifestyle choices, such as wearing ill-fitting shoes or engaging in certain types of physical activity.

The act of correcting a hammertoe generally falls under one of two approaches: conservative treatment or surgical correction. Conservative treatments such as stretches, orthopedic inserts, braces, or even shoe modifications can sometimes be used to correct this condition without having to resort to surgery. On the other hand, when more severe cases are present, surgical correction may be necessary to fully restore the original positioning of the affected toes.

No matter which approach is taken, however, it is important to take into account that prevention is often easier than treatment once symptoms have already presented themselves. As such, people should always be sure to wear appropriate footwear and regularly use stretches that strengthen the tendons holding up their toes, not only to prevent hammertoes but for general comfort and safety as well.

What Is Hammertoe?

Hammertoe is a deformity where the second, third, or fourth toe bends at the joint closest to the tip of the toe. This causes the toe to curl down in an unnatural position and can cause pain, pressure points on the toe, and difficulty fitting comfortably in shoes. It may also lead to corns and calluses as the skin rubs against the top of the shoe.

When it comes to treatment, there are options ranging from conservative measures such as wearing orthotics or special footwear to more invasive procedures such as toe straightening surgery. Stretching can help strengthen and loosen foot muscles, lessen pressure on the feet, and reduce pain from misaligned toes, all of which can help manage hammertoe. For those cases where more intensive treatment is necessary, consulting with a podiatrist should be done to receive a diagnosis and have an individualized plan tailored for each situation.

How Common Is Hammertoe?

Hammertoe is a common foot deformity, and it can affect individuals of any age. There is limited research available on the exact prevalence of hammertoe, but many estimates report that up to 15 percent of adults will experience some form of this condition at some point in their lives. Furthermore, particular risk factors also increase the chances of having hammertoe; for instance, patients who have diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and certain neurological disorders are more likely to develop conditions like hammertoe. Additionally, people who do not wear correct fittings or supportive footwear may be more susceptible to developing this foot deformity.

But despite the prevalence of this condition, the diagnosis is not always simple due to its variety of potential causes. This makes it difficult to pinpoint the actual number of people who have been diagnosed with hammertoe. While we may never know exactly how many people suffer from hammertoe, what we do know is that it is a common problem and can have serious impacts on one’s quality of life if left untreated.

Causes Of Hammertoe

Hammertoe is caused when the middle joint of a toe becomes bent or contracted due to an imbalance between the tendons, ligaments, and muscles of the foot. In some cases, this can be due to a hereditary predisposition to the condition or other underlying medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or an injury that leaves the site weak and prone to developing deformities. There is also evidence to suggest that wearing ill-fitting shoes can be a contributing factor, leading to additional pressure being placed on the toes and forcing them into an unnatural position. This can eventually lead to more severe problems over time and cause hammertoe deformities, even if you don’t have any specific predisposing conditions.

It’s important for individuals with known predisposing conditions and those who have suffered previously traumatic injuries to pay extra attention to their feet and take preventive measures to prevent further damage from happening. When closely monitored, those who suffer from these inherited ankle and foot conditions can remain symptom-free.

Risk Factors Of Developing Hammertoe

Footwear is one of the biggest contributors to hammertoe. Tight, ill-fitting shoes, flip-flops with no arch support, and high heels are all common culprits. Those who have flat feet or abnormal bone structures are also more likely to develop this condition. Additionally, age is a risk factor for developing hammertoe, as the body weakens over time and may not be able to adequately support the toes as a result.

Health conditions such as diabetes also elevate risk levels because diabetics often struggle with circulation issues in their extremities, making them more susceptible to hammertoe than someone without diabetes. Structural disorders can also increase the likelihood; individuals with Down syndrome or Elder Langerloews syndrome are especially at risk. Lastly, certain medication classes can cause changes in muscle tone or joint mobility, which may result in increased susceptibility to hammertoe syndrome.

Corrective Options for Hammertoe

In some cases, hammertoe is mild and can be treated with lifestyle changes or non-surgical treatments such as styling supportive footwear and using toe splints or strapping methods. For more advanced cases, however, surgery may be an effective option to correct the deformity.

There are two main surgical approaches to correcting hammertoe: tendon relocation and joint resection. Both are designed to reshape the foot so that the toes remain straight despite the pressure. Tendon relocation surgery involves moving tendons around to realign them, while joint resection requires cutting away a portion of bone from the affected area to restore alignment. Each of these corrective options comes with certain benefits and drawbacks, so patients should speak with their doctor to assess their individual needs and make an informed decision about which one is best for them.

It is important to note that surgically correcting hammertoe can take up to several months for full recovery, during which time the patient must wear a specialized boot or brace to protect their foot from further irritation and aid in healing. Furthermore, following surgery, there is still a chance that the deformity may not heal properly and might need further treatment. This makes it all the more important for those suffering from hammertoe to review all available treatments before making a final decision on corrective action.

Non-Surgical Treatments

Non-surgical treatments for hammertoe can provide a simple and cost-effective solution for the management of mild to moderate hammertoe deformities. Common non-surgical approaches involve the use of self-care measures, supportive devices, and medication. By addressing biomechanical misalignments and maintaining toe flexibility, these conservative therapies can help lessen the severity of the condition, reduce pain, and improve overall foot health.

Self-care techniques such as stretching exercises, protection from footwear friction, and icing are often recommended to address some of the symptoms associated with hammertoe. Specialized toe stretchers have been designed specifically to target the abductor hallucis muscles, which control the metatarsophalangeal joint, helping relieve the discomfort by decreasing stress on the affected joints. Footwear modifications are also essential to preventing recurrent deformities; selecting shoes that provide a greater degree of toe box space and shock absorption can reduce repetitive aggravating forces on the toes.

The use of arch supports or orthotics may be beneficial for providing extra support while walking or running. Specifically designed shoe pads and cushions can help reduce rubbing against bony prominences, lessen pressure points, reduce irritation, and prevent foot ulcers from occurring in the future. Finally, if a healthcare professional prescribes it, applying topical medications like ibuprofen gel or capsaicin cream may offer soothing relief.

Consult A Hammertoe Specialist In Saratoga Springs, UT

At Rogers Foot and Ankle Institute, our foot doctors are highly skilled and knowledgeable, and we will provide you with the best possible care to achieve optimal results for your hammertoes. Take the first step towards achieving your goals. Contact us at 801-756-4200 to schedule an appointment with our experienced podiatrists today!