Rogers Foot & Ankle Institute

Is It OK To Walk With Plantar Fasciitis In Eagle Mountain

Sep 14, 2022
Is It OK To Walk With Plantar Fasciitis In Eagle Mountain
Nothing is more inconvenient than the pain that prevents you from going about your daily activities. If the pain in the bottom of your leg does not go away, you should seek medical attention. Let’s take a closer look at the symptoms, causes......

Nothing is more inconvenient than the pain that prevents you from going about your daily activities. If the pain in the bottom of your leg does not go away, you should seek medical attention. Let’s take a closer look at the symptoms, causes, and diagnosis of plantar fasciitis, as well as whether you should walk or rest.

Symptoms Of Plantar Fasciitis

Are your feet bothering you? Are you concerned that you may have plantar fasciitis? The web-like ligaments that run across your foot can be damaged by excessive pressure, resulting in pain and stiffness. Here are some symptoms that you may have plantar fasciitis:

  • Pain in the arch of the foot
  • A swollen heel
  • Pain that continues for months
  • Increased pain after exercise
  • Pain when you get out of bed
  • Achilles tendon discomfort

What Aggravates Plantar Fasciitis?

Certain habits increase your risk of developing plantar fasciitis. If you already have the condition, you might be engaging in practices that worsen it. Here are some of the things that could aggravate plantar fasciitis:

1. Ignoring Discomfort And Pain

Pain indicates a problem in your body. Dismissing pain and failing to take action might worsen your condition. If your feet hurt, take a rest or see a podiatrist.

2. Failure To Stretch Before Engaging In Physical Activity

Intense physical activity without stretching can be harmful to the plantar fascia. Stretching the plantar fascia gets it ready for hard workouts and exercise, which keeps it from getting small tears or swelling.

3. Ignoring Your Weight

A healthy weight is beneficial to our overall health. Not everyone is aware that gaining weight can aggravate plantar fasciitis by putting too much strain on the plantar fascia.

4. Failure To Wear Supportive Footwear

Patients with plantar fasciitis must wear supportive shoes at all times. Supportive shoes will give your toes enough room to move freely. High heels should be avoided because they do not provide adequate arch support.

5. Long Periods Of Sitting Or Standing

If your job requires you to stand for long periods of time, try to alternate between different positions and take breaks. Change positions frequently if you are indoors.

6. Insufficient Water Consumption

Dehydration results from not drinking enough water, putting your plantar fascia at risk of scarring. Drink plenty of water to keep your feet healthy.

7. Barefoot Walking

Walking barefoot can cause plantar fasciitis inflammation. Instead of walking barefoot, put on some cozier sneakers.

Can Walking Worsen Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis causes stabbing heel pain, which may prevent you from going for a walk. Walking does not aggravate plantar fasciitis. However, wearing the wrong shoes and having poor walking habits do.

When you begin walking after being still for a period of time, you will experience sharp pain. This is due to your ligaments’ prolonged rest. After you warm up the ligaments, the pain will go away.

While walking short distances may help reduce pain, attempting to walk faster or longer distances may result in a persistent sensation. Always take a break when the pain in your feet becomes unbearable.

Why Is Heel Pain Worse In The Morning?

Because of poor blood supply to your feet while reclining, pain in your heels or feet may worsen early in the morning. Patients with this condition have difficulty getting out of bed after a restful night’s sleep. This is because plantar fasciitis disengages during sleep, causing pain when they begin walking.

Wear night splints before going to bed to alleviate pain. Physical therapy can also help prevent pain.

How To Ease Heel Pain While Walking

When you feel pain in the bottom of your foot or calf muscles while walking, learn to stop. Wearing the proper shoes can also help to alleviate pain. To avoid plantar fasciitis pain, podiatrists recommend wearing shoes with good arch support when standing, walking, or running on hard surfaces.

Exercises To Ease Heel Pain

Plantar fasciitis exercises may aggravate your symptoms in the first few weeks of trying them. Nonetheless, they may be beneficial in the long run. Here are a few exercises to try:

1. Towel Stretch

Plantar fascia towel stretch is most effective when done first thing in the morning. It stretches the arch of your foot and the calf muscle, which takes the pain away from your heel.

2. Rolling Tennis Balls

The plantar fascia is loosened by massaging the bottom of your foot with a tennis ball. Only 3 minutes of this exercise can alleviate all of your pain and soreness.

3. Ice Bottle Massage

In a few minutes, rolling a frozen water bottle beneath your foot can relieve pain. The gentle pressure and cold feeling of the ice pack reduce swelling and help the foot move more freely.

Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program, especially if you have plantar fasciitis.

When Should You See A Podiatrist For Plantar Fasciitis Treatment?

See a doctor if you experience severe pain in your heels that continues for a long time and limits your ability to walk. Your symptoms could escalate fast if you have:

  • Obesity
  • Over 60 years of age
  • Pregnancy
  • A job that involves standing for a long

It’s advisable to see a podiatrist as soon as you spot the first symptom of plantar fasciitis. Your podiatrist will examine you for heel pain and unwarranted tenderness. This confirms whether you suffer from plantar fasciitis and not a related foot problem.

They will also perform a physical exam to detect swelling and assess your balance, muscle tone, reflexes, and sense of touch via various ankle and foot reflexes. They may perform an x-ray or an MRI scan to reveal any hidden problems in your foot tissue. They will either put you on a treatment plan or refer you to a physical therapist once they have diagnosed plantar fasciitis.

Want To Fix Foot Pain Faster? Contact An Experienced Podiatrist In Eagle Mountain, UT.

Plantar fasciitis recovery is dependent on how aggressive and consistent you are with home treatments. In 3–12 months, wearing supportive shoes and doing cold and hot therapy, in addition to stretches and home treatment, can help you recover. Seeing a podiatrist, on the other hand, will hasten the healing process. Plantar fasciitis can be treated quickly at Rogers Foot and Ankle Institute by experienced podiatrists. To schedule a free consultation, call 801-756-4200.