Rogers Foot & Ankle Institute

Long-Term Effects Of Untreated Tendonitis In Saratoga Springs

Oct 10, 2022
Long-Term Effects Of Untreated Tendonitis In Saratoga Springs
Untreated tendonitis in Saratoga Springs can have serious long-term consequences, including permanent disability. This is why it is critical to seek treatment for a swollen tendon as soon as possible.

Untreated tendonitis in Saratoga Springs can have serious long-term consequences, including permanent disability. This is why it is critical to seek treatment for a swollen tendon as soon as possible.

The pain and mild swelling associated with tendonitis usually goes away after a few weeks or months. Untreated tendonitis, however, will worsen over time until it stops improving. If this occurs, permanent damage is not far away.

The most important thing that patients suffering from tendonitis should do is see a doctor right away so that they can be examined and determine what exactly needs to be done for them to recover without further damage.

What Is Tendonitis?

Tendonitis is the inflammation of a tendon, which is a fibrous band that connects muscles to bones. Potential causes include muscle strain, injury, and repetitive stress on the tendons, such as in athletes who play sports with their hands and wrists.

There are various types of tendonitis, but the most common is degenerative tenosynovitis (DT), which occurs when collagen fibers break down as a result of aging or overuse. Small blood vessels leak into the tendon, causing inflammation and swelling. Tendonitis can affect any of your body’s tendons and is caused by repetitive movements. Affected athletes do things like throwing a ball or swinging a bat that uses their knees or elbows over and over again.

Common Symptoms And Signs Of Tendonitis

The most common symptoms of tendinitis include:

  • Pain is felt in tendons at specific points along their length, especially where they attach to bones or muscles.
  • Swells around the affected area. The tendons will be painful when touched.
  • There is stiffness in your knees or elbows that limits your ability to move them freely.

This means that instead of improving after the initial injury or tendon rupture, it worsens over time. Tendonitis, if left untreated, frequently progresses to other types of tendon disorders, such as Achilles tendonitis and rotator cuff tendonitis. Furthermore, chronic tendinopathy is frequently associated with other musculoskeletal issues like osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disease, which affect other joints in the body. Untreated tendonitis can have the following long-term consequences:

  • Pain and stiffness from tendonitis last for more than six months after the tendon was first torn or hurt.
  • Achilles tendon pain does not improve with rest but does improve with exercise.
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Loss of stamina or strength.
  • Muscle atrophy or wasting in the connective tissue

How Can You Treat Tendonitis To Avoid Long-Term Damage?

If you have tendonitis, it is critical to treat the inflammation in the tendon and begin strengthening exercises. Effective tendonitis treatment will help you avoid long-term damage. This can be accomplished by:

Resting For A Few Days.

You need to give your body a chance to heal and repair itself. Make sure you’re not overdoing things when you first start training again.

Using Heat Therapy On The Affected Tendon

Heat therapy can aid in the reduction of swelling, the prevention of abnormal blood vessel growth, and the promotion of healing. Warm baths are frequently suggested for this purpose because they relax the muscles and tendons in your lower legs. Use an electric heating pad or a hot water bottle on your lower leg if you need to.

Taking Anti-Inflammatory Medications

Taking anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or naproxen sodium. If you decide to use these medications, make sure they have been prescribed by your doctor or pharmacist and are appropriate for you.

The Importance Of Early Diagnosis And Treatment For Tendonitis

Early detection and treatment of tendonitis will help you avoid chronic pain and its costly consequences. The sooner you treat your condition, the better your chances of staying active. Even if your joints have a limited range of motion, you can still do most activities without joint pain or discomfort. Here are a few reasons why tendonitis should be treated as soon as possible:

It Prevents Chronic Tendonitis.

If you do not seek proper treatment for scar tissue buildup in an affected area, you will most likely develop chronic tendonitis. Chronic tendonitis can cause inflammation and make normal movement difficult. This increases the likelihood of further tendon damage and tendon rupture.

Better Than Surgery

Going for early diagnostic tests and treatment for developing tendonitis can help you heal faster and avoid complications later on. The best part is that it eliminates the need for surgery.

Proper Treatment

Tendonitis does not heal on its own. To help manage your condition, your doctor may recommend physiotherapy, ultrasound therapy, or injection therapy. If these treatments do not work, surgery to remove the damaged tendon or ligament may be required.

Tendonitis Does Not Get Better.

You should see your doctor immediately if you have pain, stiffness, or swelling in your legs or feet. The earlier you get treatment, the less severe your tendonitis will be. Tendonitis, if left untreated, can cause long-term damage to the tendons and muscles. Tendonitis can also affect other joints, such as the knees, hips, or shoulders.

Tendonitis Treatment In Saratoga Springs

Rogers Foot and Ankle Institute is a world-renowned medical facility that specializes in tendonitis treatment.

Our knowledge will always be relied upon to deliver cutting-edge care. We’re committed to not only giving you excellent services but also to staying informed on the most recent surgical and non-surgical procedures that are accessible in this industry.

To help you recover from tendonitis or any other ailment, we are here to give you the best treatment option based on your requirements. Make an appointment with us by calling 801-756-4200 to start your path to wellness.