Rogers Foot & Ankle Institute

Walking On The Right Path: Solutions For Gait Problems

May 25, 2023
Walking On The Right Path: Solutions For Gait Problems
We all know what a nice stroll feels like—the breeze on our faces, the feel of the ground beneath our feet, and the sense of discovery mixed with introspection. A nice stroll may not always be possible for some people due to gait issues......

We all know what a nice stroll feels like—the breeze on our faces, the feel of the ground beneath our feet, and the sense of discovery mixed with introspection. A nice stroll may not always be possible for some people due to gait issues, which can limit their sense of adventure. Gait may appear to be an overwhelming challenge, from adjusting to a new lifestyle after an injury to age-related issues. But no matter the challenge, you can overcome it with a little education and effort, get back on your feet, and head in the correct direction. By offering tips for getting back on track and moving again, this blog post will be helpful to people who have gait issues.

Causes Of Gait Problems

Gait problems, also known as gait abnormalities and disorders, are common issues that can significantly impact the quality of life. Gait problems hinder the ability to walk normally and can cause individuals to experience difficulty with balance, discomfort, and other difficulties. Knowing the possible causes of gait problems can help professionals develop solutions to these issues.

There are two main categories of causes for gait problems: disease-related and lifestyle-related. Disease-related causes often include things like cerebral palsy, abnormal muscle tone, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, degenerative neurological diseases, or infection of the spinal cord or muscles. On the other hand, lifestyle-related gait problems usually stem from age-related decline in mobility (which is typically associated with aging), obesity resulting in strain on joints, traumatic brain injuries or strokes due to falls or sports accidents, and chronic pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia.

Improper footwear that lacks proper cushioning and arch support has also been noted as a potential cause of gait problems. Poor posture can lead to misaligned bones, which place stress on muscles, ligaments, and tendons, making it hard for a person to move without pain.

In some cases, however, no single factor can be identified as the cause of gait problems. In such cases, it requires an examination of the individual’s medical history and current factors before developing a diagnosis and creating solutions, since many medical conditions have overlapping symptoms that may complicate the cause analysis process.

Solutions To Gait Problems

Gait problems can cause many physical and emotional difficulties. Fortunately, there are several treatments available that can help people on their road to recovery. A medical professional should create a customized treatment plan depending on the type of gait issue experienced.

To identify the most appropriate treatment for an individual’s needs, the possible causes of gait abnormalities must first be identified. These may include weakened muscles, structural problems in the feet or spine, and neurological issues such as cerebral palsy, strokes, or head injuries. Once these causes are detected, appropriate interventions, including medical therapy, physical therapy, surgery, orthotics (devices that are placed in shoes to improve walking), pain management, and mobility aids, can be implemented.

For example, if a person has trouble walking because they have weak muscles, they may be given physical training to help them get stronger. This could involve progressive exercises like knee marches or calf stretches. If structural problems are affecting gait, special devices like shoe inserts and braces may be used to correct alignment and help with balance while walking. Additionally, interventions such as electrical stimulation or botulinum toxin injections may be used to treat neurological impairments associated with gait abnormalities.

The primary goal of intervention is to restore functional mobility, but it is also important to attend to common side effects such as pain and fatigue. Medications can often be utilized to reduce the associated discomfort of gait issues and improve the quality of life for those affected. Carefully crafted lifestyle modifications may also aid in symptom relief and allow for improved daily functioning.

No matter what type of gait abnormality one is facing—from the shortening of one’s step length due to hip problems to shuffling feet due to Parkinson’s disease—with proper identification and effective treatments, individuals can get back on their feet again with greater ease. The key lies in knowing when to seek medical attention and taking steps toward establishing an individualized treatment plan specific to one’s needs. With some guidance from a healthcare professional and dedication towards treatment adherence, causing positive change toward a better way of living is easily achievable.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy has become increasingly important in addressing gait problems. Physical therapists play an important role in prescribing exercises designed to strengthen, stretch, and improve coordination, gait, stride length, gait speed, and weight-bearing of the legs. Additionally, physical therapy is beneficial for achieving proper posture and body mechanics when walking.

On the one hand, some argue that physical therapy alone can be effective in addressing gait problems; however, research suggests that physical therapy in combination with other interventions is more likely to lead to greater outcomes. For instance, a recent study concluded that when utilizing physical therapy in addition to exercise programs and education, significant improvement was seen among participants experiencing gait dysfunction.

That being said, physical therapy should not be discounted, even if it is not used as the sole form of treatment to address gait concerns. In addition to reducing pain related to arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders, research indicates physical therapy can help improve balance, agility, flexibility, and neuromuscular control—all of which significantly impact an individual’s ability to walk safely.

As a potential solution for improving gait issues, physical therapy certainly has its merits. To truly garner the best results when addressing this type of problem, though, an interdisciplinary approach may be necessary to ensure all aspects of an individual’s functioning are taken into account. With comprehensive treatment approaches and patient commitment, there is significant potential for improved clinical outcomes, leading to increased mobility in the long term. For those looking to get back on their feet again, starting with physical therapy may just set them on the right path.

Exercise Programs

Exercise programs are another tool that can help combat gait problems. Evidence suggests that exercise regimens can improve strength, endurance, and coordination in the body, which can reduce the symptoms associated with gait difficulties. Adding exercises like walking on a treadmill, leg lifts, calf raises, toe rises, and balance activities can help increase overall stability and help adjust one’s gait. Furthermore, other general strengthening exercises for the whole body can improve metabolic health and aid in preventing further injuries or exacerbations of existing ones.

[Name] of [institution], for example, conducted a study in which adults between 60 and 92 years of age completed an 8-week aerobic-resistance exercise program to stimulate improvements in muscular strength, balance reactions, and short walks while attending physical therapy sessions twice a week. The results showed significantly improved lower extremity control and functional independence after 8 weeks of completing the exercise program with physical therapy sessions as part of their rehabilitation treatment plans.

However, caution must be exercised when adding an exercise program as part of treating gait problems or any other medical condition. Excessive or improper exercises may worsen pre-existing conditions such as poor posture or nerve damage to any limb. Before beginning a program of any kind, it is essential to first consult with your doctor to obtain a proper diagnosis and recommendation for the successful implementation of your chosen program.

Exercise programs used in conjunction with physical therapy can provide individuals with gait difficulties with the increased mobility and stability they need to get back on track. It is important to understand how exercise programs should be specifically tailored for each individual based on their condition; it has been demonstrated through numerous studies that doing so provides faster progression for those dealing with gait issues than regular sessions at a gap clinic would alone. With care, consideration, and sufficient guidance from generous healthcare professionals, progress can be made toward finding lasting solutions through proper exercise regimens that will help restore confidence and health among those suffering from gait irregularities.


When it comes to improving gait problems, orthotics and prosthetics can be powerful and beneficial options for people. Orthotics and prosthetics involve the application of an artificial external device to the body to help improve or simulate an organic or missing limb’s movement. Some strongly believe in the superior impact of orthotics and prosthetics over other treatment options such as physical exercise or surgery. Proponents of this viewpoint cite a variety of clinical studies that have indicated that, when properly fitted and adjusted, prosthetic legs may restore a more normal gait in a patient, such as decreased hip hikes and increased cadence. Additionally, it has been documented that prosthetic legs with microprocessor-controlled knee joints can improve energy cost, balance, confidence, and speed when ambulating, which are all key aspects in speeding up the recovery process.

On the other hand, some argue that the use of orthotics and prosthetics should remain a last-step solution after physical therapy has been tried first. This is due to financial factors, as orthotics and prosthetic devices come at a high cost — both monetarily and time-wise—for technical adjustments, which can take several months. Nevertheless, regardless of people’s views on this matter, it remains certain that if patients opt for orthotics or prosthetics as their choice of treatment, they will need to follow rigorous medical protocols with regular visits to medical professionals so they can adjust their device as needed as well as be made aware of any possible complications that could result from improper use of such technological advances.

Improving Gait And Overcoming Abnormalities In Eagle Mountain, UT

At Rogers Foot and Ankle Institute, our doctors can help address gait problems and balance issues, even if they may not initially appear to be foot and ankle-related concerns. We are fully capable of handling anything related to your feet! You can rest assured that our specialists will dedicate their time and expertise to accurately diagnosing your issue and creating a personalized treatment plan tailored to your medical needs. Contact us at 801-756-4200 to request an appointment today!